Operating System

These are the example of operating system used these days

Window vista is one of the examples of operating system

These are the three most common people used it

There are 6 function of operating system , First it provide user interface , meaning it helps us , people to interact with the computer , second it manage input and output , third it manage security , fourth it manages files , fifth it manages application , sixth it manages memory . However , user interface is divided in to 2 , which is GUIĀ  and CLI , GUI stands for Graphical user interface , while CLI stands for command line interface. The usage of GUI is also known as WIMP , which stands for windows , icons , menus and pointer . Therefore the usage of CLI is that , long time ago since computers are not as powerful as the modern one , therefore , when you open your PC or personal computer , it will show some black screen , and that black screen is known as CLI .Also CLI is use for professional since it is really hard to use it .

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